Protect your winter-weary pet against springtime hazards before commencing outdoor activities.
When spring finally arrives after a long cold spell, your stir-crazy pet will probably be itching to start exploring the great outdoors. Or perhaps, s/he is itching because fleas and ticks are back in business. Here are some great safety tips to get your pet ready for increased outdoor exposure.
- Allergies and fleas Animals too can suffer from seasonal allergies but their allergies mostly manifest through the skin. While there is no way to keep the air free of pollen, it is possible to reduce distress in your pets. Some classic symptoms of allergies are excessive scratching and ear trouble. If you notice these in your pet, take him/her to the vet to first rule out fleas and ear infections. If the issue is allergies, the vet could prescribe antihistamines to provide them relief.
Although the peak season for fleas and ticks is April, it is advisable to keep them on preventative medication all the year through. Ask your vet for a customized plan for your pet.
- Heartworm infections Household pets are extremely vulnerable to heartworms during mosquito breeding season. It is a good idea to proactively get your pet back on preventive medication before peak mosquito season. Also make sure to install sturdy window screens to not only keep the bugs out but also to prevent your pets from jumping or falling through them in their excitement to be outdoors.
- Toss the ball around Springtime is a great time to lose the winter weight, before the scorching summer keeps you and your pet in the shade. However, ease into an exercise regimen because months of reduced activity would have lowered their energy levels and strenuous exercise could result in injuries. Take them for longer walks and increase your playtime with them so they get used to activity.
- Microchip your pet The warmer weather and longer playtimes also increases the chances of your pet wandering off. Consider getting a microchip implanted in your pet so you don’t have to fret about your pet sneaking off. You could also place a tag on your pet’s collar, with your address, phone number, and other relevant details.
Finally, remember to inspect your yard for debris or carcasses from winter so your pets do not ingest anything dangerous. Once these issues are taken care of, there is nothing to do except to enjoy the pleasantness of a new season.